Disease of the body itself is nothing but the result of the disharmony between soul and mind. Remove the disharmony, and we regain harmony between soul and mind, and the body is once more perfect in all its parts.
Bach Flower Essences
The Bach flower essence system contains 38 individual flower remedies, they are unique, unlike oils, teas and other herbal preparations that may use any or all parts of a plant, flower essences are made strictly from the flowers. Flower essences are a type of vibrational healing because they mainly work on the emotional, mental, and spiritual energetic levels. Bach flowers can treat anything from anxiety, fear, to a racing mind, or a feeling of being overwhelmed. These negative thoughts and destructive emotions create blockages, of energy flow, that leads to emotional and physical imbalances. Bach flower essences are a method of therapy that is a powerful alternative, yet a gentle healing tool that restores the positive aspect, shifting you from the negative to a positive. Bach flowers are safe in combination with both pharmaceutical and herbal drugs making them a powerful and practical therapy for anyone and can work alongside other therapies. The flower essences work because they have a high rate of vibration are natural, and prepared from plant material, flower heads and natural spring water.
In a consult with me. I will carry out a full assessment by using a questionnaire that investigates your personal story where you are feeling out of alignment and by making up a remedy which may include several of the essences in the same bottle which will help you raise your vibration, to a more positive state of being.